Last Updated: Nov 27, 2024, 01:12 PM
Non-Traditional Student Services will advocate for transfer students, commuters, and individuals outside the traditional age to ensure they reach their academic and personal goals.
Non-Traditional Student Services serves SIU's transfers, commuters, and individuals outside the traditional age through guidance, support, and resource referral to enhance educational experiences from the point of entry to degree completion.
Transfer Transition Program
The SIU Transfer Transition program will automatically assign new Transfer students to an upper class Transfer Transition student leader. The Transfer Transition Leader will serve as a mentor for new Transfer students while also providing resources, support and encouragement.
Commuter Connections Program
The SIU Commuter Connections Program will automatically assign new Commuter students to an upper class Commuter Advocate. The Commuter Advocate will serve as a mentor for the new Commuter students while also providing resources, support and encouragement.
For more information on these new programs, please contact the Non-Traditional Student Services office at 618.453.7521 or email nontrad@siu.edu.
Our Mission Demonstrated...
“Since I’ve been here they (NTSS) have evolved their ways of helping us,” she [Dawn Seward, graduate student] said. “If you ever have a question or need advice on what is best for you, they always lead you in the right direction.” (Daily Egyptian, Jan. 26, 2014)
“The breaking point, honestly, was that support that I needed, and I needed to know that when I moved here someone was going to acknowledge that I’m a new student and I needed resources,” Dianna Balan [undergraduate student] said. (Daily Egyptian, May 7, 2014)
Our goal is to ensure you reach yours!
The adult student population represents over 30% of SIU's current enrollment. We invite you to join the Saluki family!